One State, Mass Aliyah, and Mass Conversion to Judaism: The Only Solution to the Israel-Palestine Problem

December 17, 2023

By Hagos Gebreamlak

The Israel-Palestine conflict has prompted several proposed solutions: the two-state solution, the one-state (Greater Israel) solution, and a class-based state. However, racism remains an obstacle. Jewish identity should be based on faith and values, not race. This shift can ensure a Jewish majority in Israel and maintain its status as a Jewish nation, allowing it to function as a liberal democracy.

Two-State Solution

The two-state solution stems from British policy during their mandate over Palestine after World War I. The British attempted to divide Palestine into separate states for Jews and Arabs. However, this solution has become increasingly untenable.

One-State (Greater Israel) Solution

The Greater Israel proposal suggests that Israel should include the West Bank and Gaza, granting Israeli citizenship and equal rights to Arabs. This solution faces significant challenges due to the large Arab population in these areas, which could undermine Israel’s identity as a Jewish state.

Class-Based State

A class-based state would grant different rights to Jewish, Muslim Arab, and Christian citizens. This would mean Jews having more rights than Arabs, effectively creating an apartheid state. Such a solution contradicts the founding principles of Israel and is inherently unjust.

The Dilemma

Israel was re-established as a homeland for the Jewish nation, necessitating a demographically overwhelming Jewish majority. However, the birth rate among Jewish Israelis is lower than that of Palestinian Muslims. As the Arab population grows, Israel faces the risk of losing its Jewish character, especially if equal rights are granted to all citizens.

To address this demographic challenge, Israel should encourage marginalized groups, such as the Yazidis, to convert to Judaism and migrate to Israel. Historically, entire communities have converted to Judaism, and the Torah supports such conversions.

This approach offers strategic and economic advantages:

Demographic Majority: Increasing the Jewish population ensures a Jewish majority in Greater Israel.

Economic Growth: A larger workforce boosts the Israeli economy and strengthens the domestic market.

Children born in Israel should be taught the Jewish faith and value system. This cultural education would make them culturally Jewish, ensuring a Jewish majority in Greater Israel.

Only after securing a Jewish demographic majority should Israel grant equal rights to non-Jews. This would make the one-state solution feasible and ensure long-term stability and harmony, preserving Israel as a Jewish state

Racism is the primary barrier to this solution. Jewish identity should be defined by faith, Hebrew language, history, and emotional attachment to the land of Israel. Detaching Jewishness from race can encourage non-Jews, including those in Greater Israel, to embrace Judaism, thereby integrating them into Jewish culture.

The Israel-Palestine conflict requires a solution that maintains Israel’s Jewish identity while promoting equality and democracy. Encouraging mass aliyah and conversion to Judaism, combined with cultural integration, can achieve this. By overcoming racism and redefining Jewish identity, Israel can ensure a stable and harmonious future as a Jewish state.